Labels:audio cd | ball | cd rom | disk | door | monitor | person OCR: For Windowse XP 98 Me 2000 Transform your PC into Peaceful Paradise selectsof www.sele SHOCKWAVE disc DATA SOFTWARE -ROM INSTALLATION Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. Follow the on-screen instructions If AutoPlayi is not enabled select Start> Run> D:\setup .exe. (If your CD -ROM drive is not D ,use the appropriate letter.) belectsof rademar of Selectsoft t Publishing.Windows is a registered trademark c f Microsof tCorporation All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners SUSE OFTHIS PRODUCTIS SUBJECTTO CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS F WARRANTY UNDER THE LICENSE AGREEMENT T CONTAINED HEREIN. POND AOUZMRIUM marOCKWAVE AutoPlay FyourCD 2004tf Publiing igied LIMITATIONS